COA Test Day
Pre Test Day
When you pass your JCAT you will get an email which will lead you to a website to set up a time to take your test at a Person View Testing Center.
Look up the directions to the testing center and get an estimate of how much time it will take you to get to the testing center. Also take into account traffic of you are traveling during rush hour.
Prepare for test day the night before test day by getting to bed on time. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep.
Test Day
Eat a good breakfast. I cooked up 3 scramble eggs.
Stay hydrated. Hydrated people preform better on tests than dehydrated people.
You will have to have your ID (drivers license).
You will have all of you personal items stored in a locker at the testing center.
You will have to pat yourself down before you can enter the computer room.
What is the test like?
The test is 210 questions and is 180min long. This is plenty of time to complete the test. Ten of the questions are ungraded questions. These are included to asses wether a certain question will be a good fit for future tests.
The test is electronic. You don’t use pen and paper. My testing center gave me a marker and white board. I am not sure if this is the case with all testing centers.
You have the option to flag questions you don’t know and go back to them.
When you complete the test it will show you a print out of all of you scores on each topic. At the bottom left hand corner of the screen you will see a grade that says pass or fail.
I wanted to be as transparent as possible and show you want to expect. The picture below is the print out of what you get when you finish your test.
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